Winner ‘Best Cast 2021’ at Couch Film Festival

Move over Steven Spielberg. Step aside Martin Scorcese. Feet the movie is moving up in the world!

We are happy to announce that Feet won Best Cast 2021 at the Couch Film Festival in Toronto, Canada!!

Congratulations to the stars – Richard Chamberlain, Seymour Muchmore and Tony LeBeauf, and to the rest of the amazing cast. We are forever grateful for your wonderful talent and all of the hard work you put towards this little movie.

It’s so much fun to receive this type of news. It kind of erases all of the struggles of filming, the drama of editing, the money spent and the years of working towards the finished movie 🙂 At least it does for Terri and I.

I wonder if it erases the difficult memories our actors have of the scene where we made Rich and Seymour lay on the ground under a gross old mattress with a hole torn in it to shoot their lines. Or the hours and hours spent in the hot tub scenes where I’m pretty sure we were slowly cooking all three of the stars alive…like lobster.

This little certificate makes it all worth while, don’t you think?

Well, maybe…

Making a movie is full of hard work. It’s weird hard work, but it’s still hard work. I hope this award makes everyone in our cast who showed up and delivered everything we asked and more at least a little bit proud to be part of it. I know we’re proud of you. Looking forward to going to some screenings with everyone in the near future, too!

Take care and we will be in touch with more news when we get it.

– Darci

Feet Semi-Finalist at Couch Film Festival

Well, we sure have been having fun here at Knowhere Media 🙂

We found out today that Feet is a Semi-Finalist at the Couch Film Festival in Toronto! Woohoo!

What does that mean, exactly? It means that Feet is up against two other films in two separate categories and will be voted on by a private jury. The categories are Best Cast (yay everyone!!) and Best Director (which is both Terri and I, co-directing sisters don’t ya know).

Honestly, I hope we win both categories 😀

But, if we only win one, I hope it’s for Best Cast. Our actors were phenomenal AND had to spread out all of that acting talent over a whole year to get the job done. In fact, every person that played a role of any size in Feet did a fantastic job. They all deserve some kudos from a comfy Canadian film festival like the Couch Film Festival.

Also, we get another laurel for our poster! This one actually has a couch on it, which it totally hilarious 😀

We are supposed to find out the winners in our categories at the end of the month. Of course, it’s an honor just to be in the running and we hope to have more good news to put out in the weeks and months ahead.

– Darci

Feet to Festivals

Tucker – One of the talented film extras in Feet.

Making a film is like giving birth…then after giving birth your newborn infant is immediately sent off to dozens and dozens of groups of strangers whose job it is to look your baby over, decide whether it is worthy of being seen in public and give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down.

Yep, we’re talking about the world of independent film festivals.

Our first baby – Feet – has been officially in distribution to film festivals since January of this year. It’s a long process with a lot of entry fees and months of waiting involved. At this mid-year point of 2017 we do not know when, where or if Feet will be screening at any of our chosen festivals. We’ve grown more patient over these past six months and will most likely need to develop thick skins to endure the inevitable rejection that comes with putting your art out into the world.

But that’s okay 🙂

Because odds are we will get some good news too. And with that good news will come big announcements and parties and travel with friends and the camaraderie with our cast and crew that we enjoy so much. PLUS we’ll be meeting new people at the festivals, both filmmakers and film lovers, and that sounds exciting.

We are so looking forward to having a drink at the bar with everyone after watching Feet on a big screen. Thoughts of those future moments keep us motivated to continue looking for great festivals and sending in those submissions. With any luck, we’ll be  inviting you all to the first screening soon!