Winner ‘Best Cast 2021’ at Couch Film Festival
We are happy to announce that Feet won Best Cast 2021 at the Couch Film Festival in Toronto, Canada!!
Congratulations to the stars – Richard Chamberlain, Seymour Muchmore and Tony LeBeauf, and to the rest of the amazing cast. We are forever grateful for your wonderful talent and all of the hard work you put towards this little movie.
It’s so much fun to receive this type of news. It kind of erases all of the struggles of filming, the drama of editing, the money spent and the years of working towards the finished movie 🙂 At least it does for Terri and I.
I wonder if it erases the difficult memories our actors have of the scene where we made Rich and Seymour lay on the ground under a gross old mattress with a hole torn in it to shoot their lines. Or the hours and hours spent in the hot tub scenes where I’m pretty sure we were slowly cooking all three of the stars alive…like lobster.
This little certificate makes it all worth while, don’t you think?
Well, maybe…
Making a movie is full of hard work. It’s weird hard work, but it’s still hard work. I hope this award makes everyone in our cast who showed up and delivered everything we asked and more at least a little bit proud to be part of it. I know we’re proud of you. Looking forward to going to some screenings with everyone in the near future, too!
Take care and we will be in touch with more news when we get it.
– Darci