Feet Semi-Finalist at Couch Film Festival
We found out today that Feet is a Semi-Finalist at the Couch Film Festival in Toronto! Woohoo!
What does that mean, exactly? It means that Feet is up against two other films in two separate categories and will be voted on by a private jury. The categories are Best Cast (yay everyone!!) and Best Director (which is both Terri and I, co-directing sisters donโt ya know).
Honestly, I hope we win both categories ๐
But, if we only win one, I hope itโs for Best Cast. Our actors were phenomenal AND had to spread out all of that acting talent over a whole year to get the job done. In fact, every person that played a role of any size in Feet did a fantastic job. They all deserve some kudos from a comfy Canadian film festival like the Couch Film Festival.
Also, we get another laurel for our poster! This one actually has a couch on it, which it totally hilarious ๐
We are supposed to find out the winners in our categories at the end of the month. Of course, itโs an honor just to be in the running and we hope to have more good news to put out in the weeks and months ahead.
โ Darci