
Does anything smell better than a new book? Does the glowing page of your ereader give you a thrill? See if any of our books spark your interest.

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Out of Knowhere

This is our blog. Websites are just supposed to have blogs and we, as artists, are supposed to have something to say…so…here it is.

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Movies. What can be said about movies? The ultimate collaborative art project. We love them. We make them. 'Nuff said.

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Independent Storytelling

Knowhere Media is an independent publishing and production company that was built out of a desire to create and promote meaningful and entertaining works that are free of large corporate and commercial agendas. We see storytelling as an important piece of a vibrant society, recognize the need to support artistic expression, and treasure the originality of artists, authors and filmmakers.

There is a piece of every person’s soul that longs to hear a good story. You relate to a good story. You connect to others through stories. You learn from them. You share a common experience when you share a story. They make you laugh, cry, think and can even inspire you to make great changes in your life if you let them.

At least, that’s what good stories have always done for us.