Sign Up to Win Your Free Copy of “Alpine Glow”
Yep, we’ve discovered Goodread’s fun little widget that allows us to give books away to RANDOM STRANGERS!! And, quite honestly, it’s a little addicting.
Today, we’ve got the new-to-paperback novel “Alpine Glow” out there in Goodreads-land in a giveaway that will end with some lucky people (could it be you?) receiving your own copy, wrapped in lovely tissue paper with, oh, I don’t know, maybe a beautiful card personally addressed to you via the mail at absolutely ZERO cost 🙂 All you have to do is be a Goodreads participant and click on this link…
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Alpine Glow
by Robin Balogh Cox
Giveaway ends November 06, 2015.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
See? That was fun, wasn’t it?
You may be wondering what this book is about. Well, it DOESN’T MATTER because if you enter this giveaway and win your copy you’ll be getting it for free and, therefore, feel good about it no matter what it’s about!!
For those of you who are still curious, “Alpine Glow” is what you would call a parallel story. There’s a modern day mystery happening in Alpine, TX and an equally intriguing tale happening in exactly the same spot except back in time, during the shoot ’em up times of the Old West. These two tales are expertly woven together by Robin Balogh Cox and take you on a wild adventure through love, lust, arson and murder in the present and the past.
Enter to win your free copy and good luck to you!
p.s. The next in this book trilogy is due to come out before Christmas! Keep your eyes peeled for its release!